What time is it ?

Jumat, 28 September 2012


Jadi cerita nya waktu ada pendaftaran JKT 48 yang kedua, kakak ku yang satu ini Rani Perihatianti getol banget buat nyuruh-nyuruh aku masuk haha.. udah sampe pengen didaftarin lho haha.. gak tau maksud nya apa -_-

tapi ya kayak nya mending dia aja deh yang ikutan soalnya gaya dia udah mirip sama JKT eh AKB juga bisa deh haha..

Blaster Sists

Hey... Long time no see guys!!!

uh.. i really miss my blog haha.. biasa aja sih sebenernya -_-

Karena sibuk sama perkuliahan ya gini deh blog nya terlantar gak keurus *elap-elap blog*
karna gak tau mau nulis apa jadi share foto aja deh ya haha..


eits.. mereka siapa?

Ini kakak aku yang kedua, nama nya Rani perihatianti. bisa dibilang dia adalah the leader sister #eaaa. dia baru aja abis beliin aku laptop haha baik ya :D

Kalo ini kakak aku yang ke tiga, Ayu Rindu Lestari huft.. paling nyebelin tapi sebenernya dalam hati nya, dia sayang sama adik nya wkwkwk.. lumayan lah sering dibeliin kebab :D

Jumat, 03 Agustus 2012


If things are happening according to my wish, I am lucky. But if they are not, I am very lucky, because they are happening according to Allah's wish :)

Kamis, 21 Juni 2012

Don't wait for 
princess charming, 
because he's too lazy to leave his castle. Wait for your
who will fight for you

Selasa, 29 Mei 2012


Taken by me

Model : Nur Fitri Hikmahyanti Oktaviani
Place : Padjajaran University

Thank You for fitri, lia, denny, ghina, ria

Braga on the night

Taken by me

Model : Nur Fitri Hikmahyanti Oktaviani
             Denny Anwar Maulana
Place : Braga Street, Bandung

Thank You for fitri, denny, rery, lia, oki, nurmi, hawky

Sabtu, 05 Mei 2012

thank God, you've heard all my prayers, and very grateful, too, you have answered with a very surprising answer but it's probably the best answer for me.

our circumstances, is back again as it once again. walking together, laughing, playing. but there is one thing that is very unfortunate that we lost the figure of a friend. but this time I really didn't care. she almost made ​​me and my friends were destroyed. I hope she's aware of it.

and this is the photo of happiness begins early.

love it haha :)

lia's birthday

Selasa, 03 April 2012

awkward saturday

1 week ago, I felt there was something different from all of us. I don’t know what it is and I don’t what actually happened but it just happened. Inside, I really feel sad and as usual I put a face without expression.
Either because of personal problems, homework, or there is newcomer coming into our group.
But here I don’t want to discuss it. Let it happen! maybe we are being tested.

We are being tested, we must know it and we'll pass and we are forever.”

Last Saturday there was a class in college but I and my friends didn’t get into it.

We went to the Jatinangor (and again this plan has always suddenly :p )

what we do there?
what places we visit?



Padjadjaran University, of course..
and we just take lots of photos there.

let me give our pictures in there

 all photos taken by me

Thank you : -Nur Fitri Hikmahyanti Oktaviani
                    -Ghina Diery Triana

Place: Padjajaran University

Free Camera Cursors at www.totallyfreecursors.com