What time is it ?

Selasa, 28 Februari 2012

I can't fight this feeling any longer.
And yet I'm still afraid to let it flow.
What started out as friendship,
Has grown stronger.
I only wish I had the strength to let it show.

I tell myself that I can't hold out forever.
I said there is no reason for my fear.
Cause I feel so secure when we're together.
You give my life direction,
You make everything so clear.

And even as I wander,
I'm keeping you in sight.
You're a candle in the window,
On a cold, dark winter's night.
And I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might.

And I can't fight this feeling anymore.
I've forgotten what I started fighting for.
It's time to bring this ship into the shore,
And throw away the oars, forever.

Cause I can't fight this feeling anymore.
I've forgotten what I started fighting for.
And if I have to crawl upon the floor,
Come crushing through your door,
Baby, I can't fight this feeling anymore.

My life has been such a whirlwind since I saw you.
I've been running round in circles in my mind.
And it always seems that I'm following you, boy,
Cause you take me to the places,
That alone I'd never find.

Jumat, 24 Februari 2012

back to normal

Monday is my first day back from my 1 month holiday.  Which means, less playing, more studying. It's normal to feel lazy when you're in your first day class after 1month holiday. What i've done this holiday: Eat, sleep, playing with my friends, nothing -_- 
oh damn time really does fly! 
Thinking about going back to University on monday makes me want to be sick.

back to normal back to college back to work..well.. FIGHTING !!!!

Good day to round off my beautiful holidays. back to college Monday.


Can't wait for my next holidays! :P

So excited!

Rabu, 22 Februari 2012


Hallo J

How are you guys?

Gue mau kenalin sahabat-sahabat gue tercinta , gue bukan tipe orang yang suka pilih-pilih teman tapi gue suka berteman dengan yang satu atmosphere sama gue..

Mereka adalah Widya Darman, Rusnia Anggraini, Bayu Rizky Adnan, Bisri Nursa Fadillah, Amalia Ridhawati. Kita udah berteman lama bahkan dari kelas 1 SD 


Nama Lengkap:       Widya Darman
Nama panggilan:     Widya (wid)
TTL:                         Jakarta, 02 oktober 1993
Warna fav:             dia gak terlalu addicted sama warna, kalau mau beli sesuatu  mungkin yang warna nya bagus dan lucu sudah cukup  bagi dia :p
Study:                    SDN Karet kuningan 03, SMPN 58 Jakarta, SMAN 3 Jakarta,  Perbanas
Hal yang ditakuti:  Anjing, melihat anjing dari jarak 10 meter saja dia sudah histeris                                  
Twitter:                 @widyadarman
About her:           Selain anjing dia juga gak suka sayur dia hanya suka kuah sayur -_- kecuali sayur yang memakai bumbu kacang seperti gado-gado. Dalam urusan makanan dia sangat pilih2 dia hanya mau makan makanan yang dia kenal aja, dia juga gak terlalu suka sama air putih ckck tapi sih dia ngakunya udah suka sama air putih.

Dia anak yang sangat pintar apalagi masalah hitung2an, widya juga suka ngaret jadi anak. Jadi kalo lo lo pada mau janjian sama dia jam 2 berarti lo harus bilang sama dia jam 12 wkwkwk. Hobinya berbisnis, chatting, smsan sama *ehem*, jaga toko (bukan hobi tapi terpaksa).

About us:               gue berteman sama widya udah 12 tahun lebih, beh!! Tapi sekali gue gak pernah bosan kalo ngobrol sama dia. 9 tahun gue sekelas sama dia, Gue sama dia satu SD, SMP, SMA. Waktu pesta ulang tahun gue yang ke 6 first cake gue aja buat dia, ya benar buat dia (jangan girang lo wid, gue kasih  lo krna gue belum punya pacar waktu itu). Pulang sekolah kita selalu bareng, dia juga inget no hp gue, tapi sekali pun gue gak inget no nya dia -..-

Pesan buat lo:      makan sayur widdd makannnnn, jangan labil jadi orang, pertahankan beasiswa, jangan sombong kalo udah sukses. mandi sore banyakin yaaa, kapan punya pacar? #eh


Me and Widya

Nama Lengkap:       Rusnia Anggraini
Nama panggilan:     Anggie (nggi)
TTL:                      Jakarta, 13 agustus 1994 (paling muda ceritanya)
Warna Fav:             Ungu
Study:                    SDN karet kuningan 03, RPI, SMAN 60 JAKARTA, PERBANAS
Hal yang ditakuti:    mungkin hantu..
Twitter:                  @Rusniangrn (gak tentu, doi suka gonta-ganti username)
About her:             moody, freaky. Kisah hidup nya seperti sinetron,  setiap hari pasti ada aja cerita unik nya tentang dia, jago berpuitis, dia sering menang lomba puisi lho *prokk* *prokk* ekspresif, gue sangat berharap banget suatu saat  nanti dia muncul di layar kaca.
                             Hobi main PS, nongkrong, mirip yuki kato (kata dia),  ngumpul gak ada anggi gak rame bosss hahaaha dia lucu sih, oiya suka ngebully bisri -_-

About us:               sama kayak widya, kita berteman sudah 12 tahun mungkin lebih karna kita masih saudara dekat J kalo ada masalah dia sering curhat.

Pesan buat lo:         Jaga widya ya nggie :” gue sayang sama lo nggie *lho?  Jaga kesehatan, biasain naik bis, jangan cepet pingsan umm Kapan casting???????

Anggie and me

Nama lengkap:       Bayu Rizky Adnan
Nama panggilan:     Bayu (bay)
TTL:                      Jakarta, 26 November 1993
Warna fav:             biru
Study:                    SDN Karet kuningan 03, SMPN 58 JAKARTA, SMAN 79 Jakarta                                     
Hal yang ditakuti:    Banci
Twitter:                  @bayuadn
About him:          paling alim, kalem di luar tapi kalo lagi ngumpul sama kita kayak beruang kelaparan, iseng tapi paling suka isengin widya *uhuk*, cuek tapi sebenarnya orang nya care J kadang ngeselin, PJP (Poconggg juga pocong? Bukan, Pemberi Janji Palsu), kata orang2 sih ganteng, banyak fans nya di sekolah. Pernah gue buka2 bindernya eh ada surat cinta dari penggemar nya, ada yang kasih cincin pula HA HA HA -_- tapi dia nya cuek, jomblo kok…. Punya hp tapi gak pernah punya pulsa, hobby mengaji, facebookan, suka gak bales chat tau tuh sok amat

About us:               gue berteman dengan dia juga udah 12 tahun kok, dari dia masih nakal banget waktu SD sampe udah dewasa seperti sekarang..

Pesan buat lo:         SEMANGAT!!!!! LIFE MUST GO ON… tetap jadi bayu yang  sekarang jangan sombong.. we  you J Dan harus mau ikut kalo kita lg kumpul di rumah amel, kenapa sih lo demen di rumah widya terus adeuuh #eh

Me and Bayu

Nama lengkap:       Bisri Nursa Fadillah
Nama panggilan:    Bisri (bis)
TTL:                     Jakarta, 01 February 1994
Warna fav:             biru
Hal yang ditakuti:   kuburan, nenek yang dikuningan wkwk
Twitter:                 @bisrinursa
About him:             paling dermawan beh!! Suka traktir kita :9 paling imut, rem to the pong, pencetus acara, kalo gak ada dia kita gak akan bisa kumpul, terkadang berlebihan, suka memberi tak harap kembali, selalu menganggap sesuatu dengan terlalu serius,  keras kepala, susah dibilangin, sering dibully anggi.

About us:               kita berteman kurang lebih sudah 4 tahun, suka curhat dengan masalah yang selalu sama ke gue (gue bosen biss,  sumpah!!), sering sms gue tp jarang gue bls,  nothing special jadi stop merpergosipkan kita berdua.

Pesan buat lo:         LET IT FLOW!!!!


Me and Bisri

Nama lengkap:       Amalia Ridhawati
Nama panggilan:     Amel (mel)
TTL:                      Jakarta, 29 November 1993
Warna fav:             Tadi nya Jingga tp katanya udah pindah jadi coklat
Study:                    SD Karet Kuningan 03 lalu pindah ke DU, SMPN 41 Jakarta,  SMAN 70 Jakarta, Universitas Bakrie
Hal yang ditakuti:    nyerah!! Gue gak tau.. umm mungkin dinda (her sister)
Twitter:                  @amelridhawati

About her:             peruntungannya lumayan hoki kalau masalah perkuisan, dia pernah menang tiket Justin bieber, tiket JRL, dia juga finalis c&c 2011 barengan sm widya, dan konser-konser lainnya, dia juga ngerdapetin beasiswa di univ bakrie. How lucky she is !!! Muka jepang.

                             Dia juga punya kantung ajaib a.k.a tas nya dia yang berisi alat make up, sisir, dan sebagainya, lumayan hedon jadi anak, dan suka gak ngerti dgn jalan pikir nya.

About us:               gue kenal sama doi baru kok, kira2 pertengahan atau akhir tahun 2010. kalau kita lagi barengan ol, kita suka tukar2anlink yang seru atau nge game bareng.. kalau lagi main game kita berlomba2 dapetin level tertinggi

Pesan buat lo:         pertahankan beasiswa mel!! jadilah perempuan yang baik-baik *loh? Hati-hati sama heru *lho? Jangan mau kalah sama dinda


Amel and Me

Call us De'Bbiraw !!! and we are friend    forever  J

That's Why. . .

I really don’t have a motive for writing this post.

Lately I’m very sad. Why? Ok you guys don’t need to know about this.

 If I’m sad I usually update status, although only just writing emote sadness or crying. And I think it’s fair among teenagers at this time. And of course my friends give comments on my status, yeah they ask standard questions like “why?” “what’s going on?” “tell me please!!”.

And I’m very lazy to answer those questions. Why?
Because I already now what they say, like “oh” “don’t be sad!” “be patient!” “spirit!” and I think it doesn't make me happy.

They know that I’m sad enough for me, they don’t need to know the reason why I’m sad.

I don’t know why I like this, I just wanted to share a story if I was happy and angry, but if I was sad, I better stay quite and trying to smile, sometimes if I was in a place where there is only me, I cried.

But not for people who suffer the same fate with me. I might share with her/him because she/he also felt the same way with me.

But after all the comments from my friends has made me realize that they care about my situation. Hmm thank you    


Minggu, 19 Februari 2012

yeah, i'm so sad

My stress levels are OD right now, Seriously, I wanna go to place where I can scream loudly and no one complain.

I try so hard not to be sad sometimes because I know that I am blessed beyond my wildest dreams. I just want so much more for myself.

I'm kind of proud of myself, but at the same time, I'm also hurt, dissapointed and upset. Not to mention, I blame myself.

Update status like this Ã  L

 And after a few moments later my friends are wondering what had happened to me. And they give encouragement to me. I want to thank everyone for the lovely messages. Love you all J

But I’m sorry I’m still sad L

Sabtu, 18 Februari 2012


I just want to be a Kevin and you guys have no idea why I wanted to be like a Kevin.

Who’s Kevin? and what’s Kevin?

Umm.. by the way Kevin is female..

Kevin has a colorful personality. She is quirky, impulsive, and loving. Circumstance beyond her control can cause she to seclude herself from the everyday world until it is safe to emerge. She is  good at keeping secrets and protecting those under her care. With a select few, she come out of hiding and show her carefree and expressive side. her sweet, gentle nature draws compassionate people into her life who will assist her.

Magical Gifts: Kevin gives you the gifts of feistiness, joy, and individuality. Call on her when you want to uncover your uncommon beauty.

Keys to Your Success: Preserving the qualities that make you special.
Kevin’s Story: Up (2009)

Heyy.. Russell ^^

Oh.. Kevin i'm jealous of you

And most importantly, Russel loves Kevin and keeps her. Umm by the way I love Russel (why? SECRET :p ) and that’s why I want to be like Kevin,, yup because of Russell..

Weird, yes I know :p

Senin, 13 Februari 2012

my v

If there were no words
No way to speak
I would still hear you
If there were no tears
No way to feel inside
I’d still feel for you

And even if the sun refused to shine
Even if romance ran out of rhyme
You would still have my heart until the end of time
You’re all I need, my love

All of my life
I have been waiting for
All you give to me
You’ve opened my eyes
And showed me how to love unselfishly

I’ve dreamed of this a thousand times before
But in my dreams I couldn’t love you more
I will give you my heart
Until the end of time…
You’re all I need, my love

And even if the sun refused to shine
Even if romance ran out of rhyme
You would still have my heart until the end of time
‘Cause all I need is you
You’re all I need, my love

show your love !

by the way i like the Google Valentine's logo! it's so cute :3
song  : my 

KEPO (KEtemu POconggg)

Aaaahh.. Finally, I can meet this man. Not only met but I also had dinner with him.

Who is he? He is Arief Muhammad and I call him poconggg (@poconggg), he is friendly, handsome, and also funny ^^

And also I wanted to say “THANK YOU” to my cousin who had invited me to dinner with him J

How lucky I’m ^^

Jumat, 10 Februari 2012


Hari itu pun datang, sebuah kebanggan tersendiri bagi aku dan keluarga ku untuk menghadiri wisuda kakak ku. Kakak ku Rani Perihatianti pun sudah resmi menjadi sarjana sastra inggris..


Menghadiri dan melihat acara wisuda kakak ku, membuat aku menjadi semangat untuk cepat2 lulus walaupun perjalanan ku masih panjang.



See you at my graduation

AMIN !!!

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